“Giant Little Ones” is a coming-of-age drama film written and directed by Keith Behrman. The story follows Franky (Josh Wiggins), a popular high school athlete who is forced to confront his sexuality after a drunken encounter with his best friend Ballas (Darren Mann). As Franky’s world is turned upside down, he must navigate the complexities of identity and acceptance while dealing with the fallout from his actions. The film explores themes of friendship, family, and the importance of being true to oneself.
“Giant Little Ones” is a poignant and heartfelt film that captures the confusion and uncertainty of adolescence with sensitivity and insight. Josh Wiggins delivers a nuanced and powerful performance as Franky, capturing both his vulnerability and his resilience as he navigates the challenges of growing up. The supporting cast, including Maria Bello and Kyle MacLachlan as Franky’s parents, and Darren Mann as Ballas, also deliver strong performances. Director Keith Behrman‘s sensitive and nuanced approach allows the film to explore complex themes with subtlety and depth, making it a powerful and unforgettable experience.
“Giant Little Ones” has been widely praised by critics and has won several awards. At the 2018 Toronto International Film Festival, the film won the Best Canadian Feature Film Award, and Josh Wiggins was nominated for the Best Actor Award at the festival. The film was also nominated for the Best Picture Award at the 2019 Canadian Screen Awards. The film’s honest and compassionate portrayal of adolescent sexuality and identity has resonated with audiences and critics alike, making it a must-see film.
Directed by | Keith Behrman, |
Written by | Keith Behrman |
Produced by | Allison Black |
Starring | Josh Wiggins, Darren Mann, Taylor Hickson, Kyle MacLachlan, Maria Bello, |
Cinematography | Guy Godfree |
Edited by | Sandy Pereira |
Music by | Michael Brook |
Production companies |
euclid431 pictures Scythia Films Storyboard Entertainment Sugar Shack Productions |
Distributed by | Mongrel Media |
Release dates | September 9, 2018 (TIFF) March 1, 2019 (United States) |
Running time | 93 mins |
Country | Canada |
Language | English |
Box office | $166,896 |