“No One Killed Jessica” is a Bollywood film based on the true story of the 1999 murder of Jessica Lal, a Delhi-based model who was shot dead by a politician’s son in a nightclub. The film follows the quest for justice by Jessica’s sister, Sabrina Lal (Vidya Balan), and the journalist who covered the case, Meera Gaity (Rani Mukerji), as they fight against a corrupt and biased legal system.
“No One Killed Jessica” is a powerful and gripping film that shines a light on the issue of corruption and injustice in the Indian legal system. The performances by Balan and Mukerji are both outstanding, with their chemistry driving the emotional core of the film. The film is skillfully directed by Raj Kumar Gupta, who deftly balances the dramatic elements with moments of humor and satire. The film’s message is clear and impactful, highlighting the need for reform and accountability in India’s justice system.
“No One Killed Jessica” was well-received critically and won several awards, including three Filmfare Awards (Best Supporting Actress for Mukerji, Best Editing, and Best Story). Balan and Mukerji were also nominated for Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress respectively at several award shows.
“No One Killed Jessica” was a commercial success and garnered a strong following among audiences in India and abroad. It has a 7.2/10 rating on IMDb and an 83% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes. The film was praised for its compelling narrative and powerful performances and is considered one of the best Hindi films of 2011.
Directed by | Raj Kumar Gupta |
Written by | Raj Kumar Gupta |
Based on | Murder of Jessica Lal |
Produced by | Ronnie Screwvala |
Starring | Vidya Balan, Rani Mukerji, |
Cinematography | Anay Goswamy |
Edited by | Aarti Bajaj |
Music by | Amit Trivedi |
Production company |
UTV Spotboy |
Release date | 7 January 2011 |
Running time | 136 minutes |
Country | India |
Language | Hindi |
Budget | ₹90 million |
Box office | ₹457.2 million |