“Birdy” is a drama film directed by Alan Parker, based on the novel of the same name by William Wharton. The film follows the story of Birdy (played by Matthew Modine) and Al (played by Nicolas Cage), two childhood friends from a working-class neighborhood in Philadelphia who are drafted to fight in the Vietnam War. Birdy becomes obsessed with birds and spends his time in a military hospital, while Al struggles to come to terms with the traumas of war. The film explores themes of trauma, friendship, and the struggle for identity.
“Birdy” is a powerful and poignant film that explores the effects of war on the human psyche. Modine and Cage deliver powerful performances, portraying the complex and troubled relationship between Birdy and Al with nuance and depth. Parker’s direction is visually stunning, using the contrast between the gritty urban landscape of Philadelphia and the beauty of the birds to great effect. The film’s exploration of trauma and mental illness is both sensitive and thought-provoking, and it remains relevant to this day.
“Birdy” received critical acclaim upon its release and was nominated for numerous awards, including the Academy Award for Best Cinematography. The film won the Grand Jury Prize at the Cannes Film Festival, as well as the Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor for Cage’s performance. The film has since become a cult classic and is widely regarded as one of the best war films ever made.
Directed by | Alan Parker |
Screenplay by | Sandy Kroopf Jack Behr |
Based on | Birdy by William Wharton |
Produced by | Alan Marshall |
Starring | Matthew Modine, Nicolas Cage, |
Cinematography | Michael Seresin |
Edited by | Gerry Hambling |
Music by | Peter Gabriel |
Production company |
A&M Films |
Distributed by | TriStar Pictures |
Release date | December 21, 1984 (United States) |
Running time | 120 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Budget | $12 million |
Box office | $1.4 million |