“Graceland” is a 2012 Filipino crime thriller film directed by Ron Morales and starring Arnold Reyes, Menggie Cobarrubias, and Dido de la Paz.
“Graceland” follows a Filipino chauffeur named Marlon Villar (played by Reyes) who works for a corrupt politician. When Marlon’s daughter is kidnapped and held for ransom, he becomes embroiled in a dangerous web of deception and betrayal.
The film received critical acclaim for its gritty and suspenseful storytelling, its portrayal of corruption in the Philippines, and the performances of its cast.
Some of the awards and nominations received by “Graceland” include:
- Tribeca Film Festival: Won for Best Actor in a Narrative Feature (for Arnold Reyes)
- Asian American International Film Festival: Won for Best Narrative Feature and Best Director
- Sitges Film Festival: Nominated for Best Motion Picture in the Midnight X-Treme Section
- New York Asian Film Festival: Nominated for Best Feature Film
- Asian Film Festival of Dallas: Won for Best Narrative Feature and Best Actor (for Arnold Reyes)