
“La lupa” is a 1996 Italian drama film directed by . The film is based on the novel “La Lupa” by Giovanni Verga, and tells the story of a woman’s struggle for survival in rural Sicily. The film follows the character of Santa, a beautiful and strong-willed woman who lives in a small village in Sicily. When her husband dies, leaving her with four children to care for, Santa must fight to keep her family together and survive in a harsh and unforgiving landscape. Along the way, she becomes embroiled in a web of love, jealousy, and betrayal.


“La lupa” received mixed reviews from critics. Some praised the film’s stunning cinematography, powerful performances, and faithful adaptation of the source material. Others criticized the film for being slow-paced and overly melodramatic.


“La lupa” did not win any major awards, but it was nominated for the David di Donatello Award for Best Production Design.


Despite not being a box office success, “La lupa” has gained a cult following over the years and is considered a classic of Italian cinema. The film’s depiction of the struggles of rural life in Sicily and the complex relationships between its characters have resonated with audiences. The film has been screened at various film festivals and retrospectives, and is often studied in film schools.

Directed by
Music by Ennio Morricone
Cinematography Mario Vulpiani
Stars ,
Language Italian and Sicilian

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