
“Lolita” is a drama film directed by and based on the controversial novel by Vladimir Nabokov. The film tells the story of a middle-aged man named Humbert Humbert (), who becomes obsessed with a young girl named Dolores Haze, also known as Lolita (). Humbert becomes her stepfather and begins a secret sexual relationship with her, leading to tragedy.


“Lolita” was met with mixed reviews from critics upon its release, with some praising the film’s direction and performances, while others criticized it for its controversial subject matter and portrayal of underage sexuality. ‘ performance as Humbert was generally praised for its complexity, while ‘s performance as Lolita was more divisive, with some critics finding her portrayal to be too sexualized.


Despite the controversy surrounding the film, “Lolita” received several award nominations, including a Golden Globe nomination for ‘ performance. The film also received nominations for Best Cinematography and Best Adapted Screenplay at the 70th Academy Awards. However, the film did not win any major awards.

Directed by ,
Screenplay by Stephen Schiff
Based on Lolita
by Vladimir Nabokov
Produced by Mario Kassar Joel B. Michaels
Starring , , , ,
Cinematography Howard Atherton
Edited by David Brenner Julie Monroe
Music by Ennio Morricone
Distributed by The Samuel Goldwyn Company (United States) AMLF (France)
Release dates September 25, 1997 (Rome) January 14, 1998 (France) September 25, 1998 (United States)
Running time 137 minutes
Countries United States France
Language English
Budget $62 million
Box office $1.1 million (US)

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