
Sacred Games is an Indian crime thriller web television series based on the novel of the same name by Vikram Chandra. The series revolves around a Mumbai police officer Sartaj Singh (), who receives an anonymous tip-off from a gangster named Ganesh Gaitonde () about a major criminal operation in the city. As Sartaj investigates the case, he uncovers a complex web of corruption, politics, and crime, and a race against time to save the city from destruction.


Sacred Games is an intense, gritty, and highly addictive series that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. The storyline is complex and multi-layered, with strong performances from the lead actors and . The series also addresses important social and political issues, such as corruption and communalism, in contemporary India.

The show received praise for its engaging storyline, well-written characters, and excellent production values. However, it also faced criticism for its depiction of violence, profanity, and nudity, which some viewers found gratuitous and unnecessary.


Sacred Games won several awards, including the Best Drama Series at the International Emmy Awards in 2019, and Best Original Series at the Filmfare OTT Awards in 2020. The series was also nominated for several other awards, including the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series and the International Emmy Award for Best Performance by an Actor ().

Genre Crime Conspiracy Thriller Mystery
Based on Sacred Games
by Vikram Chandra
Directed by , , ,
Starring , , , , , ,
Theme music composer Alokananda Dasgupta
Composers Songs:
Rachita Arora
Background score:
Alokananda Dasgupta
Country of origin India
Original language Hindi
No. of seasons 2
No. of episodes 16 (list of episodes)


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