“Nail Polish” is an Indian Hindi-language psychological thriller film directed by Bugs Bhargava. The film revolves around a high-profile murder case in which a popular football coach named Veer Singh (Manav Kaul) is accused of killing two migrant children. As the trial unfolds, the case becomes more complex and mysterious, with layers of deceit and hidden agendas coming to light.
“Nail Polish” received mixed reviews from critics, with some praising the film’s tense and unpredictable plot, as well as the performances of the lead actors. Manav Kaul‘s portrayal of Veer Singh was widely praised for its intensity and complexity, while Arjun Rampal‘s performance as a defense lawyer was also noted for its nuance. However, some critics criticized the film’s heavy-handed approach to social issues and the lack of subtlety in its storytelling.
As of now, “Nail Polish” has not won any major awards.
Directed by | Bugs Bhargava Krishna, |
Written by | Bugs Bhargava Krishna |
Produced by | Pradeep Uppoor Seema Mohaptra Jahanara Bhagava Dhirajj Vinodd Kapoor |
Starring | Arjun Rampal, Manav Kaul, Madhoo, Anand Tiwari, Rajit Kapur, |
Cinematography | Deep Metkar |
Edited by | Tinni Mitra Harshad Palsule |
Music by | Sanjay Wandrekar |
Production companies |
Ten Years Younger Productions |
Distributed by | ZEE5 |
Release date | 1 January 2021 |
Running time | 128 minutes |
Country | India |
Language | Hindi |