The story of “Papa, Sdokhni” revolves around a young man named Matvey, who arrives at the home of his girlfriend Olya’s father, Andrei, with the intention of killing him. However, things quickly spiral out of control as secrets are revealed, and the situation becomes increasingly violent and absurd.
The film received positive reviews from critics for its dark humor, stylized violence, and innovative storytelling techniques. It was also praised for its exceptional performances by the cast, particularly Khaev’s portrayal of Andrei.
“Papa, Sdokhni” won several awards, including the Best First Feature Award at the Fantasia International Film Festival and the New Visions Award at the Sitges Film Festival. It was also nominated for the Best Film Award at the Fantasia International Film Festival and the Best Picture Award at the Russian Guild of Film Critics Awards.
Despite its critical acclaim, “Papa, Sdokhni” has not achieved widespread popularity outside of Russia. However, it has gained a cult following among fans of dark comedy and action films.

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