“The Dentist” is a horror film directed by Brian Yuzna and released in 1996. The film follows Dr. Alan Feinstone (played by Corbin Bernsen), a successful and respected dentist who descends into madness after discovering that his wife is having an affair. Feinstone begins to take out his anger and frustration on his patients, using his dental tools to inflict gruesome and painful acts of revenge.
“The Dentist” is a disturbing and intense horror film that is not for the faint of heart. The film’s concept of a dentist turning into a sadistic killer is both original and terrifying, and Corbin Bernsen‘s performance as Dr. Feinstone is chilling and unhinged. The film’s gore and violence are graphic and brutal, making it a difficult watch for some viewers. However, fans of the horror genre will appreciate the film’s suspenseful pacing and unsettling atmosphere.
“The Dentist” did not receive any major award nominations or wins.
“The Dentist” has become a cult classic among fans of the horror genre since its release in 1996. The film’s unique premise and graphic violence have made it a memorable entry in the genre, and it has spawned two sequels. However, the film was not a box office success and did not achieve widespread popularity upon its release. The film currently has a 5.2/10 rating on IMDb.
Directed by | Brian Yuzna |
Produced by | Pierre David |
Written by | Dennis Paoli Stuart Gordon Charles Finch |
Starring | Corbin Bernsen, Linda Hoffman, |
Music by | Alan Howarth |
Cinematography | Levie Isaacks |
Distributed by | Trimark Pictures |
Release date | October 18, 1996 |
Running time | 92 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |