
“Desierto” is a Mexican-French thriller film directed by and released in 2015. The film follows a group of immigrants who attempt to cross the US-Mexico border but are hunted by a merciless vigilante named Sam (played by Jeffrey ) and his dog in the harsh desert terrain. One of the immigrants, a young man named Moises (played by Bernal), must use all of his survival skills to evade Sam and save himself and his fellow travelers.


“Desierto” is a tense and gripping thriller that explores themes of immigration, xenophobia, and survival. The film’s cinematography is stunning, capturing the beauty and brutality of the desert landscape. The performances by both Jeffrey and Bernal are strong, with Morgan delivering a chilling portrayal of a ruthless killer and Bernal bringing depth and humanity to his role as the protagonist. The film is a harrowing reminder of the dangers faced by immigrants attempting to cross the border and the deadly consequences of xenophobia.


“Desierto” received several award nominations and wins, including the Best Sound Editing award at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ Scientific and Technical Awards in 2016. The film also won the Critics’ Choice Award for Best Foreign Language Film at the International Film Music Critics Association Awards in 2017.


“Desierto” was well-received by critics but did not achieve widespread popularity at the box office. However, the film has gained a cult following among fans of the thriller genre and those interested in exploring issues related to immigration and border control. The film currently has a 6.0/10 rating on IMDb and is available to stream on various platforms.

Directed by
Produced by Alfonso Cuarón Carlos Cuarón Alex Garcia Charles Gillibert
Written by Mateo Garcia
Starring , , , , ,
Music by Woodkid
Cinematography Damian Garcia
Edited by
Esperanto Kino CG Cinema Orange Studio Itaca Films Lava Bear Films IM Global
Distributed by STXfilms
Release date 13 September 2015 (TIFF) 15 April 2016 (Mexico)
Running time 88 minutes
Countries Mexico France
Languages English Spanish
Budget $3 million
Box office $4.9 million

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