“Don’t Breathe 2” is a horror-thriller film and a sequel to the 2016 film “Don’t Breathe.” The film is directed by Rodo Sayagues and written by Fede Alvarez and Sayagues. The story follows Norman Nordstrom (Stephen Lang), a blind man living in isolation in a remote cabin, who becomes a reluctant hero when a group of criminals break into his home and kidnap a young girl. Norman must use his skills and senses to protect the girl and fight off the kidnappers.
“Don’t Breathe 2” is a solid follow-up to the original film, with intense moments of suspense and gore that will keep horror fans on the edge of their seats. Stephen Lang once again delivers a compelling performance as Norman Nordstrom, the blind man who is both sympathetic and terrifying in his actions.
The film does a great job of building tension and creating a claustrophobic atmosphere as Norman and the kidnappers engage in a deadly game of cat and mouse. The action is brutal and visceral, with some inventive and gruesome kills.
However, the film is not without its flaws. The pacing can feel uneven at times, with some slow and repetitive moments that drag on the story. The character development is also lacking, with most of the supporting characters feeling underdeveloped and one-dimensional.
Overall, “Don’t Breathe 2” is a worthy sequel that manages to capture the suspense and horror of the original film. While it may not surpass its predecessor, it still offers plenty of thrills and scares for horror fans to enjoy.
Directed by | Rodo Sayagues |
Written by |
Based on |
Produced by |
Starring | |
Cinematography | Pedro Luque |
Edited by | Jan Kovac |
Music by | Roque Baños |
companies |
Distributed by | Sony Pictures Releasing |
Release date
Running time
98 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Budget | $15 million |
Box office | $53.8 million |