• Thu. Oct 10th, 2024

“The Hypnotist” is a Swedish crime thriller film that was released in 2012. The movie revolves around a detective named Joona Linna, who is investigating a brutal triple homicide. Linna seeks the help of a hypnotist named Erik Maria Bark to access the sole witness to the crime, a traumatized young boy named Josef. However, as Bark hypnotizes Josef, he begins to uncover hidden secrets that put himself and his family in danger.


“The Hypnotist” received mixed reviews from critics. While some praised the film’s tense and thrilling atmosphere, others criticized its slow pace and convoluted plot. Despite the mixed reviews, the film was a box office success in Sweden and was nominated for several awards.


“The Hypnotist” was nominated for several Guldbagge Awards, including Best Actor (), Best Supporting Actor (), Best Screenplay, and Best Sound Editing. Although the film did not win any of these awards, it was still considered a success in the Swedish film industry.

Directed by ,
Screenplay by Paolo Vacirca
Based on Hypnotisören
by Lars Kepler
Produced by Börje Hansson
Peter Possne
Bertil Olsson
Starring ,
Cinematography Mattias Montero
Edited by Sebastian Amundsen
Thomas Täng
Release date 28 September 2012
Running time 122 minutes
Country Sweden
Language Swedish

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